Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our new puppy Rover

They say when peoples kids go off to college they get a new puppy. Well since the 'center of my life' has fur allergies we got an RV instead. Our colors are a little different but you get the picture. It used to belong to a friend who generously agreed to let us keep it at their house but we get to visit it when we want and will take our maiden voyage soon to Utah. Kind of like a cruise without all the water. Wagons-Ho...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Launching my birdie, or CU later

My baby bird has flown the coop. I just returned from settling him into his new digs. We had a couple of days of shopping, and unpacking, and attending long orientation classes before it was time for me to leave. J bonded with his new roomie, found some new best friends, made his room feel like home (only cleaner) and hasn't looked back. I'm excited to hear all about this new chapter in his life.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vroom vroom

Big D bought his first ever vehicle today. He LOVES it, and might sleep with it if he could. I may never sleep again.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Favorite artist

I have a couple of favorite artists, whose work I greatly admire and aspire to be just like. One is a lovely woman in France named Anne Le Toux her pieces never fail to touch something in me and she has always been very giving with advice and willing to answer my questions. Please check out her blog:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blueberry heaven

Today I woke early and headed to my favorite blueberry farm in Snohomish. Unfortunately so did everyone else. It's been a hard year for farms of all types with the weird spring weather we had. The farm was packed but I found a lovely bush crammed full of berries. Half way through my bucket a woman asked if she could join me on my bush, there were plenty to share. Less than an hour later I had filled my bucket (11+ pounds) of huge gorgeous berries and looked up to see 6 other people picking from my wonderful bush too. The farm staff was overwhelmed there were so many people out there but how can you resist this bounty?